December 2006 – Discussion on IRS status continues:


Chapter Represenatives and BOD members checking in:

            Betsy Delaney Rep, Silicon Web

            Jan Price VP, ICG

            Maggie Smith – DFWCG

            Bruce R. MacDermott, ICG Treasurer

            Jennifer Thompson – DFWCG

            Kate McClure – Beyond Reality Costumers Guild

            Nora Mai – ICG Pres

            Bruce Mai - Rep, SLCG

            Janice Dallas - Northern Lights

            Dawn McKechnie – Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada

            Dora Buck - Sick Pups

            Karen Heim - Corr. Secretary

            Susan Smith - Alternate Rep, Treasurer- Northern Lights Chapter

            Rob Himmelsbach - DVCG acting BoD rep

            Pierre Pettinger – Parliamentarian

            Elaine Mami - Alternate rep, Sick Pups

            Diane Harris – SWCG

            Valerie Roberts - Chicagoland Costumer's Guild

            Frances Burns - recording secetary

            Alexandra Dysinski - Fibre Fantasy Artists

            Ann Hamilton - GCFCG


Poll question: Do you/your chapter accept the UGI (a restating of our by-laws – passed with 9 yes votes/ 0 no votes.

7 Chapter reps responded to the poll.  All 6 accepted the UGI as it is currently written. 

5 agreed to participate in the gathering of the required materials for the IRS, 1 did not.


Next question money:

Also: There seems to be a strong opinion that dues will need to be raised but not until after the IRS problem is resolved.


Poll started December 12 – Poll results January 3, 2007: Do you approve of spending the $900 for the IRS fee with the money coming from the ICG's resources augmented by Chapter donations? – passed with 10 yes votes/ 0 no votes



We interrupt this CoW to bring you a new chapter!!


Motion 12-06-01 that the Southeastern Chapter be accepted to the ICG moved by Bruce MacDermott and seconded by Bruce Mai (14 Dec 2006)

Do you approve Motion 12-06-01, admitting to the ICG as a new chapter the Southeastern Costumers' Society, representing the southeastern United States & centralized around Atlanta, GA?


Voting started December 18 – Voting results January 3, 2007: The new chapter is the Southeastern Costumers' Society, representing the southeastern United States & centralized around Atlanta, GA

Their nickname is "the SECS Fiends".


And Back to 501C3 discussion:


Do chapters (especially those that will be subordinates and not be  filing for state exempt status) need their own EINs? While it appears that they might from what I'm reading, why wouldn't subordinate chapters depending upon the ICG's exempt status end up using the ICG's EIN which carries the exempt status with it?


Answer: Every chapter, technically speaking, is required to have an Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) under which all income (over $500) would be reported to the IRS. If a chapter does not apply for an EIN, then its income is supposed to be reported on the Social Security Number of its Treasurer or President. If a chapter wishes to avoid the issues of obtaining an EIN and wants to be Exempt from Taxes, they can join in the "Group Exemption" and be covered by the ICG's EIN and tax-exempt status.


Chapters covered by the GEL and the ICG's EIN, will have to be consistently responsive to the financial reporting requirements for income and expenses, which will be reported by the ICG in its annual filing. At a minimum, Quarterly reports of all financial activities would be required. This should not a difficult requirement or a burden. The report need only indicate income from membership dues, income from other sources (donations, sales), expenses for member services, and expenses for non-member services. No detail is required, just the totals. For reporting purposes, these will be aggregated with those of the ICG and reported to the IRS on Form 990.