June 2007


Chapter Representatives and BOD members checking in:


Diane Harris – President, SWCG

Dawn McKechnie (Kaijugal) – Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada

Chip Allen – VP, Middle Tennessee Costumers Guild

Jen Thompson – DFWCG rep

Maggie Smith – DFWCG Treasurer – Observer

Denyse Hammen – President Middle Tennessee Costumer's Guild

Bruce R. MacDermott – ICG Treasurer

Nora Mai – ICG President

Valerie Roberts – Chicagoland Costumer's Guild

Jan Price – VP ICG

Karen Heim – Corresponding Secretary

Janice Dallas – Northern Lights Rep

Ann Catelli – Moderator

Henry W. Osier – Rθgle Mystique des Balles et du Drap, Armed Costumers Guild

Pierre Pettinger – Parliamentarian and Archivist

Frances Burns – ICG Recording Secretary

Vicki Glover – BRCG

Susan Smith – Northern Lights Costumers' Guild, Treasurer, Alternate BOD rep

Ann Hamilton – Rep, GCFCG

Marissa Wronka – President/BoD Rep SouthEastern Costumers' Society

Rob Himmelsbach – Treasurer, DVCG, BoD rep

Dora Buck – Prez Sick Pups



ICG Treasurer Report:

I have not yet received the Bank Statements or the Newsletter expenses for May, but here are the preliminary reports for your review.


Surplus and Loss (year to date)



Earned Income

Advertising 185.00

Membership 1046.00

Interest 1.42

Total Earned Income 1,232.42


Contributed Support

Archives 900.00

General 12.00

Total Contributed 912.00


Total Income 2,144.42



Business Expenses

Awards 52.00

Bank Fees 26.00

Web Site 22.48

Total Business Exp 100.48


Member Services Expenses

Printing 303.74

Postage 106.21

Supplies 35.65

Licenses & Permits 160.00

Total Member Services 605.60


Total Expenses 706.08


Net Income 1,438.34


I will post a corrected report as soon as the newsletter bills and bank statements have been received.


Respectfully submitted.

Bruce R. MacDermott,


June 12, 2007

Board members,


We are 5 months into the year and have made several changes in membership since the budget was proposed and approved last year. The Budget and Finance Committee would like to propose that we adopt a revised budget that would authorize the now approved and expected spending for the remainder of 2007.


Changes included are:

Doubled Archive expenses from $300 to $600 in anticipation of the eventual transporting of the boxes from New York to Nebraska.  IRS Group Exemption Letter application fee (Lic/Permit) An imprint machine (office) for our hard working Newsletter Editor.  Increase in membership income due to the addition of three new chapters Increase in copy and postage expenses that go along with the new members.  Archive donations based upon actuals plus an additional $140 ($20/month).


Here are the old numbers and the proposed new numbers.


Old New


Ad Income $ 300 $ 260

Membership Dues 1,298 1,652

Archive Donate 240 1,040

General Donate 0 12

Total Income $1,838 $2,964



Archives $ 300 $ 600

Awards 150 52

Web site 90 90

Printing 723 868

Postage 325 507

Supplies 54 70

Office 0 175

Lic/Permit 1060 160

Total Expenses $1,802 $3,422

Net Income 36 -458


This is a negative cash flow budget, but it is a much more realistic one, and it eliminates the need to individually approve archive and imprint machine expenses down the road.


Official declaration follows:


I move that the Board approve the amended budget for 2007 herein itemized above as "New".


Is there a second?


Bruce R. MacDermott,

ICG Treasurer


June 13 – Second by Valerie Roberts, CCG


Per Nora Mai:


We have a motion (Bruce MacDermott, SiW) & second (Val Roberts, CCG) to accept the amended budget for 2007.


Motion 06-07-01 is the assigned number for this motion.


Starting today: Discussion of said motion & the aforementioned budget.  Discussion will end in 15 days, Thursday June 28. After that - probably we vote.


I have another question though.  What is the Lic/Permit expense for? Does it include the IRS filing cost? Yes

I thought that we voted to pay that expense from the reserves so why would it also show up as an expense against normal income?  The budget, regardless of our agreement to use reserve funds to cover expenses, still has to reflect the actual expected income and expenses for the budget period.


Friendly amendment: Change needed because of typo.  New License and Permit number should be $1,060, not $160. This includes the $900 application fee for the GEL. 


Fri, 29 Jun 2007 This has been motioned, seconded & discussed.  Discussion is now ended & we will go to vote on the amended budget.

June 10, 2007 – Archives on line


The Online Archive committee is anticipating that the Archives site will be online before the end of the summer.

So those of you who've wondered what the heck the Archives are and will it ever see the light of day - the day is coming.



Assistant Archivist


Archive Funding Discussion


Discussion continued Jun 2007


The Archives need a more reliable source of support income than donations (which are still a great idea & deductible!).


The idea put forth for initial consideration was raising the ICG dues a set amount that would be directly earmarked for the archives.  The sum mentioned was $2.


The original thoughts were to increase the ICG dues from $6 to, say, $8 with the additional $2 going to support the on-going activities of the Archives.


The current ICG dues of $6 barely covers the cost of the newsletter.  A $4 increase - $2 specifically for Archives, $2 for general ICG usage; makes new ICG dues $10 would.  Advantages: Covers future ICG needs for promotion & growth. Addresses the need now rather than later


Chapter members opinions:


SLCG - That dues be raised by $4, to a total of $10 a year, with $2 of that earmarked for funding Archive expenses.


DFWCG - most people are on the fence about it - we would be more likely to support the dues increase once we are sure that the ICG will be able to give us non-profit protection


SiW – questions Why must we (the ICG and its membership) bear the whole burden of the cost?  Is our archive really some sort of "history of costuming" or is it a "history of the ICG?"  Is it a public offering (as has been mentioned) or a benefit for our membership (only)?

Responses - The Archive is meant to be a history of costuming.  Virtually no one outside of the group has even heard of the Archives


Northern Lights' meeting Sunday, all present agreed with the $2 dues increase, as long as it is for the archives.


GCFCG – Members support a $2.00 dues increase if it is specifically ear-marked for the archive. We, however, would not support any further dues increases.


Sick Pups – We are in favor of a raise increase for the archives.


SECS Fiends also had a meeting over the weekend and are in favor of a dues increase


The ACG seems to be generally in favor of it also. We are running it around the table again, just to make sure.



Filing the 501c3 application status:

Received letters from the Dallas/Fort Worth CG, the St. Louis CG and the SiliconWeb CG, for a total of three (3).


There are thirteen (13) chapters eligible to be included in the filing.  Only those chapters who have submitted all their information will be included.


Request input from the chapters who have not sent in their information on their position:


Responses from 6 of the chapters that have not sent in completed paperwork:


SECS Fiends wish to be included but we are still working on our letter.


SWCG wish’s to be included but we are still working on our letter.


DVCG will have to try and get into the process at a later date.


DFWCG – in discussion


The Armed Costumers Guild declines at this time.


Northern Lights is not interested in being included.


Pay Pal account

Started Tue, 12 Jun 2007


Anyone interested in my opening up a PayPal account for the ICG?


(1) Standard: No Transaction Fees


(2) Premier: This allows for credit card payment. There would be a 2.9% transaction fee plus a $0.30 processing fee.


Small business (Merchant) Accounts all have fees attached. Lease expensive is 2.9% plus $0.30/transaction.


Checks directly mailed from chapters would still be accepted


Paypal would also be intensely helpful for the Canadian Chapter since an International Money Order is more costly


Discussion on hold - Jun 2007


Sat, 23 Jun 2007


The ICG now has a PayPal account specifically for receipt funds.


All payments made to the ICG PayPal account are free of transaction fees to the ICG. What you pay if what we get. 


Directly sent checks (ie via snail mail) are also great!


To make payment via paypal:
Go to www.paypal.com.
Click on the "Send Money" tab.
In the To: field enter "icg-treasurer@costume.org"
In the From: field enter your email address
Enter the amount you are paying (US $).


Send Bruce R. MacDermott, ICG Treasurer, a message telling him what the payment is for and he will take care of the rest.


System tested and is working.