May 2007


Chapter Representatives and BOD members checking in:


Bruce MacDermott, ICG Treasurer

Marissa Wronka, SouthEastern Costumers' Society President/BoD Rep

Aurora Celeste, Silicon Web Rep

Erin Brown - Recording Secretary CGWP

Karen Heim - Corresponding Secretary

Bruce Mai - Rep for St. Louis Costumers Guild

Henry W. Osier -Règle Mystique des Balles et du Drap, President, Armed Costumers Guild

Dora Buck, Prez, Sick Pups

Jennifer Thompson - DFWCG rep

Ann Catelli – Moderator

Janice Dallas, Northern Lights CG rep

Frances Burns - ICG Recording Sec

Jan Price - VP ICG

Pierre Pettinger - Parliamentarian and Archivist

Ann Hamilton – GCFCG, BOD Rep

Susan Smith, Alternate Rep. Northern Lights Chapter

Jen Thompson - DFWCG President and BOD rep

Denyse M. Hammen – MTCG president



Vote Results:

POLL QUESTION: Do you approve Motion 04-07-01 (moved by Rob Himmelsbach, seconded by Jan Price), admitting to the ICG as a new chapter the Middle Tennessee Costumer's Guild, representing middle Tennessee & centralized around Nashville, TN?

- Yes, 14 votes, 100.00%
- No, 0 votes, 0.00%
- Abstain, 0 votes, 0.00%

the Middle Tennessee Costumer's Guild, representing middle Tennessee & centralized around Nashville, TN?


Welcome to the Middle Tennessee Costumer's Guild and their president, Denyse M. Hammen.


Archive Funding Discussion


Discussion May 2006


Enquiring minds want to know - What the Archives are and why they should be supported?  Responses by Pierre - ICG Archivist and Bruce Mai ICG Assistant Archivist


The archives contains photos, video, ICG records and copies of various publications that have appeared over the years.  We know there are photos of costumes from at least the 1950s. Whole collections of photos never seen by the public before have been donated to the Archives, and will eventually be put up for all to see.


What exactly would the dues increase be used for?


Acquisitions of new materials and maintenance of current materials.


One long-term goal is to eventually put the archives online, but will there be some sort of timetable for when we can expect to see something like that?


We hope to start putting things up within a few months. Video will take longer as there are more complex legal questions.


We are slowly, working on putting the first phase of this project in place: making it possible for people to upload their own photos they've taken that are not official photos: the candids, the hall costumes and other stuff that you often don't see.


There are already a variety of nice (free!) photo albums from past Cons online for us to enjoy, so why would this one be worth paying extra for?


How many of those (other than the anime ones) would you consider comprehensive? How many years do they cover? My guess is they are mostly from the 90s to the present. How many photos per year do they have?  In my experience most photos on-line are photos and nothing else.  There is often no context given to the materials. Part of the purpose of the archives is to preserve our history. This includes not just the photos and video, but who are the designers, makers and presenters, who won awards, who judged, how has an individuals style changed and evolved over time.


There are only photos from a few convention, what about photos from other areas?


We may not have photos from your area yet, but we want them. Anything you have we would accept, along with as much background info you can supply.

(Note, I always emphasize background. However if you don't have any, the photos are still welcome. Once posted we can solicit information from our visitors.)

Group Exemption Letter Applications Received From:

Dallas Fort Worth Costumers Guild. Their letter meets all requirements.  Their letter has been posted to the ICG-BOD yahoo groups as an example.


Chapter Contact Information

Does anyone have an updated contact for the Utah guild? Posted by Aurora Celeste Silicon Web Rep.  A Suggested contact: Keri Doering