Uniform Governing Instrument for Chapters
(Last Revised January 13, 2012)

______________________________________________________ [official name of chapter] acknowledges that, by virtue of its recognition as a chapter of the International Costumers’ Guild, Inc. (ICG), it is governed in part by the provisions of the By-Laws of International Costumers’ Guild, Inc. and of the Standing Rules of the Corporation pertaining to chapters of the Corporation, as they exist and may be amended in the future. At this time, those provisions are as follows:

• The chapter shall present to and review with each new member the By-Laws of the Corporation (By-Laws, Article III, Section 1).

• The chapter shall promptly inform the ICG Corresponding Secretary of the name and address of each new member (By-Laws, Article III, Section 1). The chapter shall do so by sending to the ICG Treasurer (as the Corresponding Secretary’s designee) monthly, by the 7th day of each month, an updated list of the names and addresses, electronic mail addresses and phone numbers (where provided) of all new and renewing members. Annually, on January 7, each chapter shall provide to the Treasurer a complete list of all members of record, including the information specified above. (Standing Rule 7).

• Dues of the ICG are determined by Standing Rule 4. A member’s primary chapter shall remit the member’s dues to the ICG (Standing Rule 5). A chapter shall remit dues for all new and/or renewing members with each monthly update to the Treasurer (Standing Rule 7).

• If a chapter fails to submit membership updates and dues (if applicable) for a period of 12 months from the date of the last report, the ICG may withdraw its recognition of the chapter (Standing Rule 11).

• Each chapter shall annually select a member to serve as a Director of the Corporation (Article V, Section 1). A chapter's Director of the Corporation is responsible for notifying chapter members of every meeting of the members of the ICG (Article IV, Section 4).

• Each chapter shall provide the ICG Treasurer (or the Treasurer’s designee) a list of its officers’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and electronic addresses, if available, and shall indicate which officer is the chapter’s delegate to the Board of Directors, 30 days before the date of the Annual Meeting of the members of the Corporation and, at the request of the Treasurer (or the Treasurer’s designee), an updated list 30 days before any other meeting of the members called by the Board (Standing Rule 6).

• Each chapter shall send copies of its newsletter to other chapters and the ICG President (Standing Rule 13).

• A chapter may provide for types of memberships and dues structures in addition to the national structure (Standing Rule 7) and shall provide for its meetings, election of its officers, and conduct of its business at its discretion, provided such actions are not in conflict with the ICG By-Laws (Standing Rule 9).


Signature Name Title Date