Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-09-22  2019-09-24>



Jeanine Swick  7:35 AM
All I can say at this time is this sounds like a bunch of toddlers squabbling at day care about who owns something and who gets to play with it.  Please, can everyone just grow up and let the Guidelines Revision be done properly this time with more input from a proper Guidelines Committee of more than two ICG officers!


The issue that the revision was done and placed before the board by only two people. No input was called for or asked for from the membership at large or the Guidelines Committee being reformed to do so.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-09-23 8:16 AM]


Merrily  2 years ago
I read it and made comments about things seeming off for one or more reasons. Instead of attempting to review them to see if anyone else has those issues or other, etc. there seems to be a desire to just push it through. I have never seen any presented to any board or committee I have been on or worked with as a volunteer or place of employment board with this many grammatical or other errors just push to be fixed at a later date. Why not go through an actual review and discuss not that we have a redline to review? The work done was a good starting point to move forward.


Marianne Pease  9:43 AM

Good morning. Or afternoon as the case may be. I’d just like to express my deep disappointment in the behavior of certain members of the board. The vitriol both here in ‘public’ and being cast in private is frankly appalling. I’d also like to remind everyone that the primary reason for having a 15 day discussion period and voting period for all motions is so everyone can have a chance to participate without being required to be online 24/7. I have a family, friends, and responsibilities. I am not being paid enough to deal with hatefulness and abuse on weekends. I would much rather spend that time enjoying my children’s church concert, tabletop gaming session, and trying to pinpoint whatever Mysterious Allergy® has sent me running to the doctors and hospitalized me twice already this summer.


Yes, motions were made this weekend. I am reviewing what has been said and will get to them in a reasonable time frame.


I would also like to point out again that the proposed guidelines have been in front of the Board and membership since Costume Con. @Merrily herself posted them to GCFCG’s facebook group and asked for feedback after I asked for feedback on them. I’ve personally shared them with others when the subject of masquerades have come up, and solicited opinions and feedback. They haven’t been hidden anywhere. Now six months later a vote was called for and the apocalypse is upon us because of it. It is extremely difficult to get volunteers who are active participants in this organization and the crickets I got for feedback on the guidelines draft is pretty standard whenever I’ve asked for volunteers on anything. I have been begging for literally years for volunteers for our committees, to encourage chapter members to volunteer for our committees.


If the Board wants to send the Guidelines back to committee that’s fine, if anyone wants to be a member of the committee, GREAT! I’m genuinely thrilled to have people participating as long as they can do so politely. In the meantime, a motion was made and seconded on the proposed guidelines. If you don’t want them adopted, please vote no when the time comes.


Above all, please remember that this is a hobby and supposed to be fun. We are all volunteers here. Please be respectful and treat others with kindness - the way you would like to be treated.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-09-23 12:00 PM]


Elaine  2 years ago
Here's one Point of View, and I'm hoping my thoughts transfer to text properly. Also, bear with my typing as my vision still is sketchy.The


ICG was not create to become a regulatory agency for the costuming community. The last (2010) revision of the Guidelines was very carefully worded to try to avoid any idea that we were trying to 'rule the world', as it were.


It feels like the tone of the proposed Guideline revisions change that, and imply that in fact we DO want to have authority in the community.


Here's my question: Does the General Membership WANT that? The BoD cannot just decide to change the role of the ICG in the greater community as a whole.


If the Board feels that this would be a beneficial thing to have, then the General Membership MUST be included in the conversation, as this affects them too.


We have members saying that they have heard that:
-New chapters will not join us UNLESS we are an authority
-Prior chapters have left BECAUSE we were perceived as TRYING to be an authority
-Masquerades WILL use our Guidelines ONLY if we act as an authority
-Masquerades have STOPPED using our Guidelines because of the perception we were trying to be an authority


Opposing opinions and views there. This is not a decision to be made lightly.


Should the General Membership agree to the idea of the ICG moving towards becoming that 'recognized authority' in the costuming world, I am of the very strong opinion that an OUTSIDE attorney, NOT paralegal, with International, Non-Profit, AND Discrimination backgrounds be hired to review the ByLaws, Standing Rules, and to assist in drafting the Guidelines to be appropriate across all venues.


I don't see that there is any other way to assure that the ICG is covered in all legal aspects in this issue.(sorry, hit 'send' before my thoughts were complete) (edited) 


Betsy R. Marks  10:12 AM
Point of Information (from SiW Immediate Past President Kevin Roche):


"The free version of Slack has a maximum of 10000 messages available in its archive. I am not sure if that is per channel or total in a workspace.


This makes it problematic as a permanent communications solution for either ICG or SiWeb.


I just looked it up.


10,000 messages in the archive accessible FOR THE WORKSPACE. Older messages are not deleted, but cannot be accessed unless you upgrade to a paid offering.
5GB max file storage.


Note that paid plans start at $80/per PERSON per year ($6.67/month)Kevin" (edited) 


Slack Help CenterSlack Help Center

Message, file storage, and app limits on the Free plan

You can use Slack on our Free plan for as long as you'd like, but there are a few usage limits to consider: Message visibilityOnly the most recent 10,000 messages will be viewable and searchable....


[6 replies Last reply 2019-09-24 5:18 AM]

Marianne Pease
  2 years ago
We aren't on the free plan. We are a nonprofit and have the Standard plan for free.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Sharing this information with Kevin. Thanks.

Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
May we have the link to the information that documents that? I want that placed in the Treasurer's files for future reference.


Marianne Pease  2 years ago
Here's a screenshot of the billing page. The $50 credit was complementary. This was also all discussed years ago when we first discussed and voted on Slack as a platform.


Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated

Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
This is not what I asked for. It only states that they gave us a $50 credit. What is the credit to be used for?  Any billing needs to include the ICG Treasurer even if they only gave us a credit. Who gets to use that credit and for what?  The actual information for nonprofit accounts needs to be available to the treasurer and ALL the BoD, not a select few. A screen shot is useless. I want to see a working link.

Also sent to the channel


Marianne Pease  2 years ago
I'm not sure what you actually want here. The screenshot says we are on the complementary nonprofit Standard plan.  Ie. We won't ever use the $50, it was just given to us for free because we signed up to use Slack.


Dawn McKechnie  2:22 PM
a wild Dawn has appeared!


[1 reply Last reply 2019-09-23 2:24 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
We totally need Pokémon emojis in here! 


Dawn McKechnie  2:22 PM
it attacks with Canadianness